Quiero ser vegano. Brand identity, website, contents.

Blog with mainly vegan culinary content. My desire is to convey a simple and clear image, quick to read and without advertising.
This blog is created from my love for cooking and the importance it confers on health.
Focus on a young target, for both those who are starting out in the cooking because they have just become independent and want to cook, or for people with experience who are looking for quick-to-prepare, original recipes and new flavors.
I write texts with sometimes funny and quite personal texts. Have a look 😉
I have made all the recipes and tricks at some point or even make them often, since on many sites they put recipes that you already know by looking at the ingredients or preparation are not real. In this case, the blog is «home-made» but with great work and thoroughness in its creation, from the development of content to the graphic design.