Small Changes, Big Impacts.
Espacio SOLO is a private museum website for people who wants to visit the art gallery, learn about the asociated artists or buy any art piece. Colección SOLO is an international arts project based in Madrid which aims to foster, support and share the artwork of today.

Guerrilla Usability Testing
I first did research to understand the business goal, revenue model, and target audience of Espacio SOLO.
During the testing phase, I spoke with 7 users to uncover pain points while using the mobile app.
The principal task to resolve after this test was to show the information in the best way. Users couldn’t find the information that the wanted. They were lost in the site looking for the shop or looking for information of any artist.
Affinity Map
I synthesized my findings under 3 categories based on the main business functions of Espacio SOLO – get inspired, shop products, and find pros. The findings from my research were then organized on an affinity map to better understand their relationship to each other and to determine priorities moving forward in the process.
Base on the study, here are the 5 problems I decided to focus on:
Difficult to know where is the web section.
Difficult to find the search box.
Difficult to find home professionals.
Challenge to make an easy way to book visits.
Difficult find to find art by theme
To help communicate information about users that I collected during research, I created a provisional persona.

Task Flow
I created task flows for steps a user typically goes through in order to complete two common tasks in Espacio SOLO:
User wants to find an artist
User wants to buy pieces of art
To better understand where in the process users were having trouble, I highlighted the areas in purple where most users struggled, where I want to focus most during the redesign.


Lo-Fi Sketches
Based on the established pain points, I sketched multiple options to test and see how by initiating minimal changes to optimize the user experience. During the process of redesign, I continued referring to the target audience, company mission, revenue model and my goal to focus on how to improve the user experience rather than making design changes. After a few rounds of iterations I came to a good place with the solutions.

Hi-Fi Prototype
Moving forward with the process, I turned my Lo-Fi sketches into Hi-Fi prototypes. Below are the screen comparison showing before and after side by side.

I did this by testing my clickable prototype with seven new users. The results are:
Searching for artistic inspiration: 7 out of 7 users found it on the home screen in 5 seconds.
Searching for artistics and their arts: 7 out of 7 users found them
Looking for a new exhibition: 6 out of 7 found the info about the new artistic project
Booking for a visit: 7 out of 7 users were able to select the date easily.
Looking just for pieces of art: 6 out of 7 found what they were looking for.